Liran Michael​
Liran is a 21 year old business administration and entrepreneurship student at the RRIS, and he is the lead organizer of TEDxRamatAviv.
Between the ages of 2-5, Liran was officially diagnosed on the Autism spectrum. Liran understands the effects of exclusion and the benefits of inclusion and tolerance.
As our world continues to progress in its diversity, many people challenge our social norms and mindsets every single day, and when it gets too challenging, our human instinct tells us to back off and walk away. However, the opposite is needed, and we need to face the challenges.
A message from Liran to TEDxIDCHerzliya followers:
“I am incredibly honored to have the chance to appear on the
stage, as it is the perfect place to ask difficult questions that start meaningful conversation in our community and beyond. My journey led me to strong convictions about our society and to so many more questions. After my talk, I hope we will start finding the answers to these questions.”