Weekly Thoughts
Written by Content Director Candice Tollman
Why WE Make This
Our TEDxIDCHerzliya volunteers have been hard at work during this unprecedented time that is COVID-19, to weather the storm and to turn our dream of hosting this TEDx experience at IDC Herzliya.
IDC Herzliya hosting a project of such prestige, especially in these unforeseen times, is providing a beacon of hope to society that we will rise above challenges and is testament to the hard work of our volunteers.
We describe our TEDxIDCHerzliya volunteers as active, energetic individuals who strive for greatness and are always eager to conquer new challenges. It is of utmost importance to us that our volunteers understand the value of teamwork and being kind to one another!
Our volunteers make up the core team of TEDxIDCHerzliya, which is essentially the heart and soul of this operation. The vital job of being a Core team volunteer never ends and is ongoing for the full duration of the project.
Under the umbrella of this dynamic Core team, we have strategically divided up smaller teams, depending on the different field requirements. These teams include the Artwork and Design team, the Curation team, the Community Development team, the Content team, the Sponsors team and many more. Each team is managed by a respective team leader and receives guidance from field professionals when needed.
The main reason for the division of our volunteers is to establish synergy between all the departments and to ensure that each person is tailor-made to their role. Meetings between all the teams occur monthly and team leaders are required to meet bi-monthly. However, with that being said, there is daily and continuous communication between the volunteer members. It’s safe to say the job of a TEDxIDCHerzliya volunteer, never ends!
Currently, we are still in the process of selecting volunteers for the roles of team members and leaders. This screening procedure during our TEDx project is of great importance, as having the right team sets the precedent for the success of our event.
We have set our bar at a revolutionary height for a multitude of reasons. The first and most important being, we need to meet the required standards of TED’s renowned global reputation and that of our prestigious IDC Herzliya. Another reason for our volunteers unwavering work ethic is to embody uniqueness.
Not only is TEDxIDCHerzliya a collaboration between the esteemed powerhouses that are TED and IDC Herzliya, but it is also a reflection of our time period in this millennium. This is why we chose to focus our theme on “The New Millennium”.
We at TEDxIDCHerzliya, aim to create a revolution of change by looking back at the last 20 years of history and ahead, at our future. In doing so, we wish to celebrate mankind by pushing forward new ideas and innovations that seek for the betterment of our world. As, we truly believe that we, the human species, are the technology that constitutes our millennium.
With that being said, due to the Corona virus pandemic, our volunteers have been maximizing the use of modern technology by meeting virtually through Zoom calls and corresponding endlessly via emails and message updates. The very way in which we have been planning and coordinating this project through online measures, epitomizes our event’s message on the power of
“The New Millennium”.
The goals of each of our volunteers will vary depending on the team they are placed in. For example, the Curation team is responsible for interviewing and coaching the speakers. Whereas, the Marketing team covers all content under PR, social media and more, to ensure our TEDxIDCHerzliya is effectively marketed to our other volunteers, intended sponsors, speakers and audience members. Our volunteer’s planned goals will only be met if the synergy remains amongst the teams, as TEDxIDCHerzliya will be the product of persistent teamwork. We hope it will be a ground-breaking one!
Personal stories
In order to understand our ethos as the volunteers behind TEDxIDCHerzliya, we feel its best you get to know us, as people. Meet our Content Director, Candice Tollman and Business Development Manager, Matan Abramovich.
My name is Candice Tollman and I am a third-year Visual Communications student at IDC from Cape Town, South Africa. I discovered IDC Herzliya, while on a tour of Israel with my High-school and from the moment I stepped foot in IDC’s TV production studio, I had somewhat of an epiphany. My strong instinct that this institution would be the stepping stone to my career, fueled my decision to leave home and begin this new journey. Three years later, I am in the final year of the degree and I still stand firmly behind that intuition.
Since enrolling at the Sammy Offer School of Communications, I have had the opportunity to write content for two different tech start-ups, host my own podcast show at IDC, intern at Cosmopolitan South Africa and be a host for online promotional videos that feature international brands. My last and most memorable prospect with IDC is working on TEDxIDCHerzliya, as the Content Director.
I genuinely feel that my prior years of experience has got me to this point and while
we are still in the early stages of the project, I have already learnt valuable lessons. The immense planning that goes into something like this has shown me the importance of time-management and the power of working together in a synergized team.
Due to Covid-19, I am tackling my final semester remotely from home in Cape Town, which has come with its own set of challenges. However, being a part of TEDxIDCHerzliya has made me feel closer to IDC by reigniting my purpose and utilizing my skillset. I look forward to successfully undertaking this journey together with my team!
My name is Matan Abramovich,
I am a first-year Economics and Entrepreneurship student at IDC.
I'm also the Business Development Manager for TEDxIDCHerzliya. After working in a start-up that specializes in building autonomous drones in several operations and project management roles, I figured out where my greatest passion lies. My aspiration is serving as a facilitator of growth for individuals and businesses, in the high-tech ecosystem.
When making the crucial decision of deciding where to study, I looked for a program that would both allow me to develop analytical thinking that
promotes data-driven decision making, and one that would provide me with the practical knowledge of initiating new businesses and scaling existing ones. The Entrepreneurship track at IDC Herzliya was the natural choice.
I love communicating with people and I truly believe that building meaningful relationships is an essential skill for business, as it is for life. During my first year, I was lucky enough to join the Sponsors and Finance team for TEDxIDCHerzliya. This opportunity allows me to combine the skills I previously mentioned, and help to promote this unique project.
Being a frontman and the first point of contact for partners, means that every day is exciting and different. I am looking forward to the work that lies ahead in the Sponsors and Finance team in the next few months. I cannot wait to experience TEDxIDCHerzliya!