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Be part of the TEDxIDCHerzliya community

Get involved

Ever felt inspired whilst watching a TED talk?

Ever imagined being a part of one?

Now you can do more than just imagine by becoming part of a live TEDx event! 

Why Volunteer?

By participating in the TEDx IDC Herzliya volunteer program, you can help organize this world class conference and bring together people to share their knowledge, experience and ideas worth spreading.  Also, learn how to work in a professional team, meet internationally acclaimed speakers, expand your networking skills, enhance your CV, all while having fun along the way. You also might have the chance to enjoy exclusive training! So with over 100 positions Come join this opportunity of a lifetime and use your talent to help build an unforgettable experience! 

Who are we looking for?

A TEDxIDC Herzliya volunteers are active, strive for greatness and eager to conquer new challenges. Our volunteers understand the importance of teamwork and being kind to one another! 


We are looking forward to welcoming you to our TEDxIDCHerzliya Volunteer Family!

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